Thursday, December 3, 2009

Arrive alive!

Big brown cloud over what I assume is Delhi.
Walk out of airport and realise that cloud is also on the ground. Goodbye lovely Melbourne air hello smog!
People watching is much more fun in India.
Lots of people almost getting run over. I am sitting down, I am safer.
I hope.
Everyone stands very close together in queues. Not like Australia.
Pick up very smooth, cab to volunteer house.
3.5 lanes, no lines, cars everywhere. Motorbike with a whole family on it. Mother almost lost her shoe!
Bicycles riding backwards. One is walking next to bike. Backwards.
Zebra crossings randomly on highway.
People cross anywhere though, doesn't really matter.
Interchange! 4 lanes a side and no lights! What adventure!
One has lights, my cab driver doesn't care. RED MEANS GO!
Strings of lights on petrol stations and fences.
No seatbelt, brace on chair in front.
Rooms of corrugated iron on the side of the road, resident cooking meal on fire in street.
Can see low wooden bed inside room.
Can also see computer.
Think it might be LG?
Signs say "I respect pedestrians rights"
Vans and trucks dressed up in ribbons and paint and cloth and bells.
Huge night market filled with food, very bright, very busy.
Arrive at the house, very tired..
Praise free internet.
Remind self to buy mobile phone tomorrow.
Tired but excited.
Full sentences will happen soon.

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